Thursday, February 23, 2006

my jaws ache a lot these see i have been smiling a lot.
life's pretty amusing,didnt you know?


sinusoidally said...

Hope it is not TMJ you confuse smiling with. :-) Totally kidding!

ru said...

I have no clue wht tmj is.some jaw aching disease i presume?

Teleute said...

you're tagged. Write eight things that you want in your ideal man/ woman (whichever way your preferences lie), and then tag another eight people into doing the same. do tag right now!

Ajit Chouhan said...

My 1st visit 2 ur blog some nice thoughts u've put...

Jhoroi said...

hee hee.. life's accidental.. and accidents are amusing.. and that it is accidental should not be known.. like, how else could you laugh at it..

have chewing gum.. It'll help..