Friday, January 20, 2006

if she had half a brain she would hate this city.if it werent for these city-streets she wouldnt be thinking about him.or obsesssing about him.nor would she confess,far too much, to this new found confidante.
yup its all her fault.stupid city.

she has other memories too,you know.pleasant ones.of early morning solitary walks to coaching class.she'd be walking down the pavement, hands in her pocket,a little lonely perhaps ,but happy...and she'd hear someone call her name from far away.she'd turn around,smiling, happier to find someone to walk with.
lots of other memories in fact;of bonding over junk jewellery. or pretty shoes that you have to have,but can't afford.of heart to hearts, at wintry dusk,over tea that costs Rs 1.25p

but she doesnt think of those everything ledas her back to him.all the roads and by-lanes keep going back to just this one place.

him,who she'd rather forget.or not talk about.nor obsess about.

yup its all her fault.stupid city.


Zaponder said...

Well ur part of the city so no point cursing it... Actually its all in the mind... You do what you want to... The city just supports you....:-)

devjit said...

ha ha ha.

ru said...

zap:how true.

debu chow:huh?

Jitzomnia said...

y curs the city?doesnt this city remind u f the happy days spent wid others?