Thursday, December 08, 2005

the only time of the year when my hair when brushed hard,"crackles"with electricity.and if you are quiet and listen carefully,you can hear it "crackle".the only time when i can do the seventh grade physics trick...where you brush your hair hard and hold the comb against bits of paper,which go flying and stick to the plastic comb...
i'll know i'm old when this ceases to amaze me


Zaponder said...

your experiment with bits of paper makes me remember my school days...It seems winters are interesting after all....

sinusoidally said...

I hate it when I go to open the door and my fingers spark of electricity. Very annoying. But the paper trick seems cool.

Unknown said...

ahh, has it ceased to amaze u? tut tut. wheres ur inner child?

devjit said...

titration is a better magical trick for me, never was good at physics.

ru said...

zap:yes they are!

sinusoidally:it is ,it is. try it.makes you feel like a two yr old

fishy:nope it hasnt ceased to amaze me as yet.inner child is very much alive.

dev:i know titration is kinda cool