Friday, December 30, 2005

saying it out loud has made it real.Now she can't pretend that it doesnt exist.

its waiting somewhere,holding its tongue,biding time and when she's least expectinhg it ,it will explode in her face.
when she's laughing at an inane joke cracked by a friend ,or is sprawled on her bed reading poetry that makes her smile,or basking in the winter sunshine just after a bath,the smell of shampoo not quiet gone will wait till all her defenses are down and slowly sneak up on her and explode.


sinusoidally said...

And what could that possibly be?

I like how it leaves the reader guessing.

Jitzomnia said...

not only saying it loud but it's also the twinkle of ur eye!dont wory,ppl wont talk it for long...

Adarsh A. Varghese said...

You write very well! Its a treat to read your posts! Keep em' coming!

Zaponder said...

seems more like a calvin & hobbes story to me.....

ru said...

doc:why thank you!

jitz:aww shucks.sheepish grin..

adarsh:thank you!

zap:now that is the nicest compliment ever!ty