Saturday, June 23, 2007

Things that make me happy right now

Incredibly pretty pair of long bronze earrings.
Meeting friend who I hadn’t seen for a long time
Getting treated to toast n stew
Plans of sleepover at bestest friend and rock’ s etc (I’ve mentioned her before)
The thought of meeting a lot of friends for girly lunch tomorrow
Not having any work
And yet getting a comp to myself (that is so rare in this office!)
Radioblog playing softly


jo said...

girly lunch sounds fun..giggle giggle

Zaponder said...

i second jo!!!!!

Lara Baggins said...

Quite an achievement. That 'comp to myself'. I am jealous! :-)

ru said...

jo and zap: was fun too. grin. i dont giggle!!!

purple gaze: yes! u dont know how rare that is!

Saksham Agrawal said...

You left a (complimentary?) comment on my very old blog. I don't know when the comment was posted, but I just noticed it today.
Just wanted to say thanks.

J. Alfred Prufrock said...

Seems your working life doesn't leave much time for angst. Makes for good reading (perhaps for that very reason?)


What's In A Name ? said...

The daily-nitty gritties and the bliss attached!