Friday, November 02, 2007

wanted: a really sharp elbow hacker.

So the next time I get poked by an elbow, whoever it be attached to, male or female, I will slice their bloody elbow clean. There will be nice Kill Bill-esque moment where Pointy Elbows will stare at all the blood spurting from his arm and bloodied piece of elbow bone, and i will walk away calmly. Oh and I'll whistle the really cool tune that plays in the movie.

and is there some kind of special school for this? where they teach you to ram that elbow straight into my chest and then disappear into crowds? Arrrrgh.

The really cool tune


What's In A Name ? said...

Don't let him ( I don't think it is ever a "her" )fade into the crowds from next time around.

Deep said...

Hmmm... interesting blog gotta say... not often do i come across one...
and yeah, the elbowing, i know what ur talking abt... sadly enuff 8 bad fish in the pond give the other 2 a bad name...

ru said...

What's in a name: No no, they can be 'hers' too. except that they probably do it unintentionally. but i still dont like it!

Garfield: :) now there's an idea!

deep: Thank you.