Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Of Shrinking Aims And Violets

Have never been a big fan of stretch targets. Hate the concept. As if the actual target (if you have one that is) isnt hard enough already , matters must be made more complicated by setting goal thats even further away! Well thats not me.

Had decided from pretty early on, not to want too much from life. And so far this policy had worked pretty well. Dont expect too much. Dont actually get too much. But thats alright. Its all good.

Figured the same should work for college. Set very very achievable goal And I might even "get" more than I asked for. I did actually. In more ways than one.

And of violets.
Am not soul-of-party. Am not star material(which is okay, really) But have never exactly been the wallflower either. Too much attention is unnerving. But none at all(!!!) is even more so.
I dont exist. Never did.


Zaponder said...

AYO RU!!!!pardon my absence from this part of the world...but yes have been reading ur posts at irregular intervals....shrinkin aims???nyyaaaaah....dream BIG...

P said...

No No ... Just hang in there and banish those thoughts... you do always did :)

Jitzomnia said...

giv it sumtim...even i am...lets hop for the best...

Teleute said...


Bone said...

nowhere is the best place to spring back from, though. just the thought that you have nothing else to lose gives one sort of a desperation to grab at whatever that's even a bit better... and it often works wonders. hasn't happened with you, ever?

devjit said...

cheer up
and pls do something bout your font

ru said...

ZAP: yes well i try

Perspective: thank you

Jitz : i am , i am. but the waiti is so loooooooong

Teleute: :-)

Tiny black cat: never though about it that way . and the thought is in a twisted way kinda comforting.

Debu: whats wrong with font?